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The Static Sea : THIRD PARTIES - Out Now!      5.29.2012

The Static Sea : THIRD PARTIES

We at OverPop are pleased as punch to announce the birth of our second child: THIRD PARTIES by The Static Sea (OPM-002, for those of you keeping score...). Labor set in months back, but it's out now, as of today: Tuesday, May the 29th. Go nab it in CD or MP3 form over at CD Baby. But unil that special day arrives, avail yourself of this magnificent lilting track, "Wherever Your Arms Go"...

RELATED: Press Release | The Static Sea Website | CD Baby | Amazon

The Thousand Pities' Matt Davis Tells The Vinyl District About His Love For The LP      3.27.2012

The Vinyl District

"I was born lucky; my parents were musical. They met at a high school choir exchange in 1947, when 78s still roamed the earth." And so begins Pity Matt Davis's harrowing look back at a misspent youth bent over a needle with a bad, bad need... From pillaging his brothers' LP collections to a major KISS jones, all the sordid detail is here. You won't be able to put it down, mainly because - if you do - then you've dropped your mobile device or computer on the ground. Action packed ASCII and illustrative, often-colorful videos galore - something for the entire family.
Read and watch it all here...

RELATED: The Thousand Pities Website | Facebook